Bourke Legal Workers Compensation Lawyers NSW
If you’ve suffered from a work-related injury or illness, everything can change in an instant. Our experienced Workers’ Compensation lawyers can assist you. We offer a free, no-obligation first consultation.
Injured at Work? How We Can Help
You may be entitled to compensation. At Bourke Legal, we have been representing injured workers in New South Wales for many years. If you have sustained an injury at work or aggravated a pre-existing injury, you may have a claim for compensation.
What Qualifies As a Work Injury?
Workplace injuries can be physical or psychological. Workplace injury lawyers can represent you in cases that range from serious illness, injury or damage (including amputations, fractures and brain injuries) to strains and sprains.
Workers Compensation also covers psychological injuries which could arise from witnessing a traumatic event at work, as well as events like bullying and harassment.

What is IRO and How Can They Help You?
In 2012, the State Government created an Independent Review Office (IRO) to help lawyers and injured workers deal with Workers Compensation claims. We think it’s the best thing ever to happen to Workers Compensation. The amazing staff at IRO have a variety of functions, including:
- making sure you have access to a lawyer that knows what they’re doing;
- paying all of your legal costs for your Workers Compensation claim;
- keeping the Insurer in line and making sure they pay you your proper entitlements (and pay them on time);
- helping you deal with Claims Officers who seem to be doing everything they can to frustrate you.

Work injury damages claims
If you’ve sustained a psychological or physical injury, you can bring a lump-sum claim for work injury damages if your Whole Person Impairment is assessed at 15% or more.
Bourke Legal workers compensation lawyers are experts in negligence cases for workers who have been injured during their employment. Contact us today for a FREE consultation to learn more.
Payment of your legal costs
At Bourke Legal, your privacy is our priority. We will process a confidential application to IRO and they will cover all the legal costs investigating your claim, including payment of fees for medical records and reports.
Getting specialised and customised advice on your workers compensation claim is both confidential and free. You won’t have to pay for any legal costs, regardless of the result.
Accident travelling to the workplace
You may also be entitled to a workers’ compensation or WorkCover claim if the injury happened whilst you were travelling to or from your workplace. You won’t be covered unless there was a connection between your employment and the accident – this can be tricky – you will need expert advice to work out whether you can make a claim for a “journey injury”.

Contact Bourke Legal Workers’ Compensation Lawyers NSW Today
Bourke Legal is committed to helping you through a difficult time in your life. Our team of expert workers compensation lawyers can assist you in understanding your rights and obtaining the compensation you are entitled to, without having to worry about legal fees.