Work Injury Damages – Success Stories

Work Injury Damages - Success Stories

Work Injury Damages

If you’ve had an injury at work, and it’s serious, you may be aware of the possibility of claiming work injury damages. If you’re not sure what work injury damages means or if it relates to you, head on over to this blog and (if you’re a Police Officer, Firefighter or Paramedic) this blog, both of which will answer those questions for you.

At Bourke Legal, we’ve been doing work injury damages claims for a long time, and we’re pretty good at getting results that our clients are happy with.

Here are some of our real-life success stories about how different clients of our firm had their claims resolved.

Our female client sustained a psychological injury while working as a Disability Support Worker because of her unrelenting exposure to the violent and disturbing behaviour of a client who live with her, and for whom our client cared for 24 hours per day, 6 days per week, for over 6 years. The injury left our client feeling unsafe and mentally triggered in her own home. After finishing her claim for lump sum compensation, our client instructed us to lodge a claim for work injury damages on her behalf. As is required for this type of claim, the matter went to Mediation, at which time we were able to negotiate an excellent lump sum for our client. This lump sum allowed our client and her husband to sell up their home, leave the bad memories behind, and go travelling around Australia.

Our client was a young father from a non-English speaking background, having recently immigrated to Australia, working in an abattoir. He hurt his back when he slipped on meat offal and fat offcuts, which was often strewn all over the floor of his work area due to a poor system of work and inadequate and irregular cleaning of the area. After we finalised his claim for lump sum compensation, we lodged a claim for work injury damages. At Mediation, the insurer’s offers to our client were too low, and we advised our client to lodge proceedings in the District Court. About 8 weeks later, the insurer’s solicitors requested an informal settlement conference, and we were able to negotiate a substantial lump sum settlement which our client was ecstatic with. Best of all, some months later, our client contacted us to advise that he had invested part of his settlement funds into a business which he owned and ran with a family member, and which meant that he was able to manage his back pain and work when and if he felt able to.

Our young female client was employed as an office assistant in a small regional RSL club. She sustained a serious injury to her lower back when moving a television set which had been on display as a raffle prize. Her back condition was made worse when her boss required her to perform other duties around the club which were too heavy for her with her injured back. When she came to see us, our client had struggled for years on the workers compensation system, having numerous disputes with the insurer who had made many attempts to cut her off payments and had also refused to pay for further surgery recommended by her treating doctors. After resolving our client’s final claim for lump sum compensation, she instructed us to make a claim for work injury damages. The matter proceeded to Mediation, and we were able to negotiate a substantial lump sum settlement which our client was happy to accept. Most of all, our client was relieved that she was able to end her involvement with the workers compensation insurer and would be able to live her life as she wished in the future.

Our client was working as a labourer when he sustained injuries to his head, neck and shoulder. The injury happened when our client was moving cast iron pipes weighing over 100kg each with the assistance of one co-worker. While doing so, the co-worker was unable to hold the weight of one of the pipes and dropped it on our client’s head. After settling our client’s claim for lump sum compensation, we were instructed to make a claim for work injury damages. At Mediation, we were able to negotiate a figure that our client was pleased to accept, and his matter was resolved. Our client continued on his rehabilitation journey, and we were very happy to hear that he later used some of his settlement funds to invest in a franchise which allowed him to be his own employer, get back into the workforce, and work when he felt able to.

If you’ve got a NSW workers compensation claim and you’re frustrated with what’s happening, or you want to get off the workers comp roundabout, or you think you should bring a claim for work injury damages, talk to us about how we can help you.